Ed lives with his goldfish Moby and rat Sheldon. His obsession with Pat Sajak and the triangle continues. New twists include an infatuation with his attractive neighbor Miss Malone, and dealing with h...

7.40 7.00 41

The Smurfs (French: Les Schtroumpfs) is a comic and television franchise centered on a group of small blue fictional creatures called Smurfs, created and first introduced as a series of comic strips b...

6.70 7.00 57

In the town of Willowby, a tall, slender blue dog named Foofur (voiced by Frank Welker) has taken up residence in a mansion at 32 Maple Street, which is also where he was born. Foofur's companions inc...

6.40 7.90 30

In the town of Willowby, a tall, slender blue dog named Foofur (voiced by Frank Welker) has taken up residence in a mansion at 32 Maple Street, which is also where he was born. Foofur's companions inc...

7.60 7.00 29